1687 was founded by a diverse team with a passion for social good. 1687 leverages technology and community to create projects that empower people to participate and thrive. The 1687 team collaborates with under-represented groups to help them produce and support initiatives that advance diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (D&IA), then leverages deep ties to the entertainment, sports, and technology industries to help them succeed.

1687 Club
The Club is a group of changemakers dedicated to creating more equity and inclusivity using WEB3 technology. The 1687 Club comprises of a diverse group of individuals committed to using their reach and influence to support and produce social good projects. 1687 Club members are visionaries for change, collaborating with our world-class multidisciplinary studio of developers, designers, artists, photographers, and animators on Web3 projects that impact equity, inclusivity, and representation.
The 1687 Club NFT doubles as a membership card, giving access to our team of developers, designers, artists, and influencers. Holding a 1687 Club NFT in your wallet tells the world that you stand for inclusivity, equity, and representation. Use your membership key to unlock a world that’s more inclusive and equitable, powered by WEB3 technology and indomitable human spirit.
1687 Cats
Big cats were selected as the symbol for the 1687 NFT because they represent diversity, strength, courage, and justice. Big cats are the leaders of their domain, yet they exist in harmony and balance within their environments. Big cats exude courage and lack fear as they make their way in the world, protecting their communities and roaring into action when needed. The term “lionize” is commonly used to glorify or immortalize an individual who had a huge impact on their community or industry, so big cats felt like the perfect symbol to represent our club members.
Change will not come from those meekly standing on the sidelines of society. It comes from those willing to have the heart of a lion, to stand tall with courage in the face of oppression, to roar, fight, and claw against societal norms that elevate the few at the expense of the many. To get into the fight, you must embody the spirit of the cat.
1687 Membership
There are 1,687 total tokens (memberships) available for the 1687 Club, and many members have collected more than one token. 1687 Club Members are leading the charge for change and have the desire to take action, collaborating on projects that will give back to the underrepresented and inequitable in our communities. If you are interested in being a leader in the social good space and using your resources and influence to affect change, don’t delay.