Big cats were selected as the symbol for the 1687 NFT because they represent diversity, strength, courage, and justice. Big cats are the leaders of their domain, yet they exist in harmony and balance within their environments. Big cats exude courage and lack fear as they make their way in the world, protecting their communities and roaring into action when needed. Change comes from those with the heart of a lion, the spirit of a big cat.

Web 3.0 is the third generation of the internet that decentralizes internet infrastructure and services by leveraging technologies like Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Cryptocurrency (crypto), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Decentralized Applications (dApps), Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IOT), and more. Web 3.0 is the solution to the challenges presented in earlier versions of the internet, that created significant problems in the current state of the world. Web 3.0 is designed to be a more open, equitable, ethical, user-owned-and-operated version of the internet by returning agency, data, and power power back to it’s rightful owner, the individual.

Web 3.0 uses technologies like blockchain and crypto to decentralize internet services and infrastructure. As an example, Decentralized Applications (dApps) operate on blockchain networks, which consist of “nodes” (thousands computers around the world) that run and store data on blockchains. In addition, decentralization spreads financial rewards more fairly enabling anyone to contribute a node, stake crypto, create content to earn rewards, and so much more.

A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among "nodes" of a computer network. Blockchains differ from a typical databases in the way they store information. Blockchains collects information together in groups called "blocks" that hold information and linked together via cryptography. Blocks have limited storage capacities, and once filled, are closed and linked to the previously filled block, forming a chain of data known as the "blockchain." Blockchains are best known for their cryptocurrency systems, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. Blockchain technology guarantees the fidelity and security of data and generates trust without the need for an intermediary.

A smart contract is computer code that built into blockchainS THAT facilitate, verify, or negotiate a contract agreement. Smart contracts operate under a predefined and agreed upon set of rules. When those rules are met, the terms of the agreement are automatically executed.

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that can be exchanged online for goods and services. Cryptocurrencies us online ledgers with strong cryptography to secure online transactions. Companies issued their own currencies, typically called tokens, which can be traded for the good or service that the company provides. Cryptocurrency can also be used by token holders to contribute their digital assets to secure the infrastructure of blockchain systems and earn yields. Crypto combined with smart contract capabilities within crypto provide “trustless” transactions without the need for intermediaries like governments or banks.

A Non-Fungible Token, or NFT, is a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, which means all NFTs are unique. NFTs can be connected to reproducible items and intellectual property like artwork, photographs, video, audio, and other types of digital files to verify that they are unique and original. Blockchain technology is used to permanently store a receipt and deed for NFTs and create verifiable public proof of ownership. NFTs are used to buy and sell assets and can take the form of GIFs, JPGs, PNGs, tweets, video game skins, virtual real estate and more, that are often used and displayed in the “metaverse”.

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that can be exchanged online for goods and services. Cryptocurrencies us online ledgers with strong cryptography to secure online transactions. Companies issued their own currencies, typically called tokens, which can be traded for the good or service that the company provides. Cryptocurrency can also be used by token holders to contribute their digital assets to secure the infrastructure of blockchain systems and earn yields. Crypto combined with smart contract capabilities within crypto provide “trustless” transactions without the need for intermediaries like governments or banks.

The Metaverse is the virtual world that integrates many features and functionality of Web 3.0 to aggregate virtual reality platforms to create an immersive, interactive and gamified 3D experience for internet users. People use cryptocurrency, NFTs, and other digital assets to buy, sell, and trade things like avatars, land, goods, names and other property within this virtual world. The metaverse is the new frontier and expanding at an unbelievable pace, so get in early and stake your claim.

Decentralized Finance, or “DeFi”, is the term for the alternative financial ecosystem of applications and protocols built on blockchains, where transactions are executed automatically via smart contracts. Traditional financial products and services are controlled by centralized financial intermediaries such as brokerages, exchanges, or banks. In contrast, DeFi applications utilizes smart contracts on blockchains to decentralize financial transactions by eliminating the intermediaries and operate without the need for a central authority

Artificial intelligence (AI) uses computers to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind. AI enables computers to make “thoughtful” decisions usually made by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment. AI is enabling Web 3.0 to become more intelligent and better at establishing meaningful connections between different data and systems, which results in deeper user experiences that are more immersive and easier to use.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the system of interrelated, internet-connected physical objects with unique identifiers (UIDs), sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communications networks. Web 3.0 is expanding to accommodate devices that will interact with the mesh of other connected items and will bridge the gap between the real world and metaverse to help people and their things exist simultaneously in both worlds.